Before I get to my next post where I'll talk about China, the U.S. and trade, just a few remarks of the insanity of this world. The world certainly is a profoundly interesting place right now. Not in a good way, either. And, so are the political wranglings in Washington. It appears FBI Director McCabe was investigating the United States Attorney General before he was fired. It appears this may have come at the request of some in Congress but to be honest, I have no idea what the law is around this.I'd imagine the answers can be found online if I really wanted to find out. But, can a few congresspeople seek an investigation of the attorney general and use the FBI? Or, does this need to be voted on by one or both houses of Congress? Or, what is required to direct the FBI to investigate the AG, whom the FBI reports to? I don't know off of the top of my head. But, I doubt anyone else does either. That's how bizarre this world is.
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