Modern humanity is morally bankrupt. There is one main reason for that. Itâs the state. (Iâll be talking in more detail about that another time.) Mind you, I mean all of humanity is morally bankrupt. We live in unprecedented times. There literally isnât a single soul in this country, as just one example, who can operate from any position of moral authority. Donât kid yourself when you wag your hypocritical finger at Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan; the two crooks most responsible for the complete moral bankruptcy of this nation. (Although as noted on here in the past, Reaganâs administration far and away had the most indictments and forced resignations due to legal wrongdoing of any in history.) We all do the bidding of evil every single day. We are slaves in an insidious economic control system that spans the globe. There is no way to extract yourself from it even if you want to. That is, unless you chose the path of exterminating your own existence. Because that is what it would take. Otherwise, all we can do is resist in some small way. The easiest is to quit shopping. Close the wallet unless itâs absolutely necessary and starve the beast of the money it needs to survive. (Remember, in the book of Daniel, the beast was an empire of metal [weapons of war] that waged war against the world. While there is some perspective this was in reference to the Roman Empire, all empires operate on the same level of control. The U.S. empire certainly is at war with the world both economically and militarily. More broadly, socially, spiritually, physically and emotionally. The mark of the beast is money, which is the control system used to enslave humanity as hamsters into the hierarchical, class-based graft or surplus value that thugs and dictators use to enslave humanity. In modern times those thugs and dictators are the state and its institions like capitalism, corporations, politics, standing armies, socialism, communism and every other ism the state can dream up.)
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